There are a few reasons I don't watch the news. Ok, there's one real reason I don't watch the news: it's spun. Truth be told, it's a realization I've had only in recent years. Why? Why should I be so naive? Why SHOULDN'T I? There's absolutely no reason to not report facts, that's why. Not in a free country anyway. And yet, it happens day in and day out. Only the grim stories or reports with a hidden agenda make it to print or script. You can't throw in some miracle puppies saved from a fire or a soldier returning to surprise his kid at school to balance out the crap. Nice try, but no.
So I don't watch the news but obviously I still gather what goes on in the world because everything I do is saturated with it. I'm a geek; I'm on the computer and my phone a lot; I see and read things. But today I'm angry with the media. There are deluded people doing reprehensible things in Baltimore tonight. And tonight CNN, ABC, NBC, the Associate Press... all those a-holes are reporting on these riots. Please make no mistake - these are riots. 'Baltimore is in chaos', 'there's a state of emergency', 'the national guard is needed' - yes please news, tell us more. Those 'news' organizations have been prepping for this for months. They have been continuously feeding an unnecessary flame of suspicion and hate towards law enforcement. So they should not be surprised that this was the reaction towards an incident. In fact, I hope they have a difficult time sleeping at night, filled with shame and regret.
Just so that we are very clear, I am 100% behind law enforcement and what they stand for and I respect officers every day. No one is perfect. There are crooked and bad people everywhere you go. It is worse when it comes to light that the people that are supposed to protect you are bad guys. It's very sad in fact. Just like if a parent or teacher or family member abuses a child. That's severe betrayal. But I certainly don't riot against my mom or her things just because there are bad moms out there that abuse their kids. And I will always respect the law and the men and women that put their lives at risk on a daily basis to uphold the law that protects me and my family. The bad seeds will get punished. Things always come back around.
Guess what? That's how a society works. What is the alternative? No police? Martial law? Don't be idiots.
There's so much more to say about this but it's late and I'm tired. Stay tuned, there will be a part II.